Tac-Force TF-Axe001Sw Tactical Tomahawk TF-AXE001SW Tac-Force TF-Axe001Sw Tactical Tomahawk ($70.95) $36.13
Wood Handled Throwing Hatchet Axe - BK722 BK722 Wood Handled Throwing Hatchet Axe - BK722 ($17.25) $14.66
M48 Tactical Harpoon With Molded Locking Sheath UC2971 M48 Tactical Harpoon With Molded Locking Sheath ($64.80) $55.08
Folding Entrenching Survival Shovel E Tool - BK589 BK589 Folding Entrenching Survival Shovel E Tool - BK589 ($23.67) $20.12
5-in-1 Survival Multi-Purpose Tool - BK1904 BK1904 5-in-1 Survival Multi-Purpose Tool - BK1904 ($34.16) $29.04
Tactical Shovel Entrenchment Tool with Axe Blade And Sheath UC2979 Tactical Shovel Entrenchment Tool with Axe Blade And Sheath ($92.00) $76.50
High Carbon Steel Tomahawk with Wooden Handle - BKTH30 BKTH30 High Carbon Steel Tomahawk with Wooden Handle - BKTH30 ($56.40) $47.94
Black Legion Firefighter Long Axe BV116 BV116 Black Legion Firefighter Long Axe BV116 ($72.24) $61.40
M48 Blue Tactical Tomahawk Axe With Snap On M48 Sheath uc3320 M48 Blue Tactical Tomahawk Axe With Snap On M48 Sheath ($89.31) $75.91
M48 Cardinal Sin Cyclone Spear With Vortec Sheath UC3388 M48 Cardinal Sin Cyclone Spear With Vortec Sheath ($275.81) $234.44
Tac-Force TF-Axe001Sw Tactical Tomahawk TF-AXE001SW Tac-Force TF-Axe001Sw Tactical Tomahawk ($70.95) $36.13
New Tri-Edged Heavy Spear With Zippered Case - Titanium Finish BK2932out of stock New Tri-Edged Heavy Spear With Zippered Case - Titanium Finish ($124.08) $105.47
Medieval Axe Display Set With Lion Crested Wooden Plaque BK5015out of stock Medieval Axe Display Set With Lion Crested Wooden Plaque ($129.21) $109.83
M48 Tactical Tomahawk Axe with Snap On M48 Sheath - UC2765 UC2765out of stock M48 Tactical Tomahawk Axe with Snap On M48 Sheath - UC2765 ($79.25) $55.25
Gil Hibben Generation 2 Pro Throwing Axe - GH2013 GH2013out of stock Gil Hibben Generation 2 Pro Throwing Axe - GH2013 ($45.00) $38.25
M48 Ranger Tomahawk Axe with Lensatic Compass & Sheath - UC2836 UC2836out of stock M48 Ranger Tomahawk Axe with Lensatic Compass & Sheath - UC2836 ($109.20) $65.03
Chippewa Throwing Tomahawk Axe - SZ230937 SZ230937out of stock Chippewa Throwing Tomahawk Axe - SZ230937 ($22.95) $15.85
Big Chief Diamond Peace Pipe Tomahawk EW-0548Aout of stock Big Chief Diamond Peace Pipe Tomahawk ($50.97) $33.15